Casey and I are starting a blog to document our experience as homeowners.
The fact that we are indeed homeowners is pretty shocking. We were simply looking in to the possibility of buying a house a few months ago. Somehow, it's like we blinked, turned around, and v
oila! We
had a house! We had managed to jump through all the hoops. We somehow won the bidding war. Mostly, we just got really lucky. However, we were smart to choose our amazing realtors
Gina and Eric.
While it came quick, our quest to find a house did have its intense moments. I'm talking about you,
First-Offer-Rejection-Whiskey; and you, Cigarettes (Casey's, not mine); and also you, Close-Calls. At certain points, it seemed like our offer was going to fall through.
As overwhelmed as I am by the prospect of becoming handy, I feel so fortunate to be able to purchase a home with my husband (it's a pretty significant one-year wedding anniversary gift to ourselves!). I also am amazed that I own a house in
the insanity that is the Seattle housing market.
Today really felt like our first official day as homeowners. It was the first day we could actually move in together, and start working on our house. I call it a livable fixer-upper.
My dad Vern, helped us in preparation for a larger family pizza work party tomorrow (we also had "pizza work parties" for our wedding). I feel a little less intimidated by this whole process after getting my dad's blessing on the new place, and hearing his thoughts on what projects we should prioritize.
He and I also checked out our local hardware store
McLendon's, scoping the $2 Vietnamese sandwich place, the Asian market, Proletariat Pizza and Full Tilt ice cream on our way back. Casey picked up lunch for all of us at
Greenbridge Cafe.
I hope I'm not being naive, but I'm looking forward to living in a more diverse place that's not yet uber gentrified. I'm not saying we don't need to be careful; we live in a city. But White Center is a vibrant community, there is a unique vibe there. Give it a decade or so, and I wouldn't be surprised if it absorbs some of neighboring West Seattle's and Georgetown's cool factor. Granted, to me it has cool factor because it's not yet "cool" :)
Tomorrow: Pizza Work Party con familia + more moving and painting.
Day after tomorrow: Totally out of our Ballard house! (That's the goal, anway).
P.S. Tadaima is "I'm home" in Japanese.
New hood |
Casey <3 |
The "Before" pictures! |